Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy birthday!

My baby boy is 3 months old today... I cannot believe it. Seems like we were just counting down to his birth and now he is here and 1/4 of a year old! Here's a cute picture taken today .



Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man he is. Looks JUST LIKE his handsome father.

Ann said...

Well, Karyss might look like Dan, but I think Reilly may have his own limb on the Courser/Barton side of the family tree. Do you think he looks like you much???? I do!!
Hope you are all doing well. Dan has ceased the negotiations; I don't know if this means he has given up in disgust or accepted my latest offer....we shall see.

gailsgarden said...

Really cute!

Heavenbound Kim said...

I find Riley looks just like Mr Roy Courser! I'm glad someone else sees it too (Ann)... It's not just me! ~wink~ oX's Kim;D

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, little cutie!