Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new year and I am exhausted already :-D

Wow!! Can you believe it is a new year?? When I think back on all God has done for us in 2008 I cannot imagine what He has in store for us in 2009.. I am so thankful to Him for everything He brought us through last year. WOW! A lot of changes.
This year is starting off to be a busy one. I just finished a week of subbing at Karyss' school. It was actually really fun but HATS OFF to all you working Mamas out there. I don't know how you keep up with everything! WOW! I am awed by you. By last night, I was DRAINED and EXHAUSTED.. Mentally more than physically. I guess when you go from talking to a two year old all day to being out with adults and teaching 10 year olds... it is a drain on the brain.. HAHA!
In just a few short days my parents will be here to visit on their way to Florida for 2 months. It's nice that we are actually on their way to Florida and they don't have to make a side trip to come see us. I always worry about them driving the long distance but I know that God is in control of all things and I try very hard to leave it with HIM.
The kids are doing great. Riley is not getting any taller really but he is gaining a little weight. He is just going to be a little guy and that's okay. He is saying a lot of words now and when I read he says letter names. Not always the right ones but at least he is associating ..
Karyss is still loving her school and I am so thankful for that. She is doing very well with all A's except penmanship but that is gradually improving so maybe we will get there eventually. I love her school and her teacher is quickly becoming a special friend. That's always a nice thing to have.
Dan is still enjoying his ministry here and we have seen some growth and potential in our youth group lately. YAY!
Well, this is starting to sound more like a Christmas letter than a blog post but I thought it was time to catch up with everyone.
I will try to keep the blog more updated this year. That is a goal but whether or not I will hold to it, who knows ??