Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New baby

As I mentioned, we have a new baby in our house. He will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. In the hospital he had low blood sugar and he feeds every 3 hours. They asked me to keep this schedule up and so I have to wake him up in the night even to feed. So I am wondering if any of you other moms out there have any suggestions on how to function without sleep. I find myself feeling rather run down now. Dan helps when he can but he has to work at night so I don't want him to be staying awake. Any suggestions would help. I feel like a first time mom all over again with it being 7 years between my children


Ann said...

Jennifer Ellen!! Welcome to the blogging world. I told Shelley the other day that you should do this - it's great. Thanks for emailing the pictures of Riley. I am of the personal opinion he looks like you. Shelley agrees with me, and what are the chances of us both being wrong??? I was in Minto on Sunday morning, and your parents sent some pictures along for him. He was thrilled....well, he was as soon as Irene let him see them. Anyway, I shall be watching with great anticipation for further entries and pictures. Talk to you later

A Joyful Mom said...

I love the pics of the kids, they are os precious. Karyss looks so happy to be a big sister! She is doing well with him? No jealousy?

About the sleep,the only thing I can think of to suggest at this moment is to lock the doors and get Karyss occupied and sleep when Riley sleeps. Even on the sofa is better than nothing. Be sure and take some B12 to help with energy and if you're nursing, don't forget to drink plenty of water and continue your prenatal vitamins, that helps a lot.

Anonymous said...

It's Tanya! I know...it's who! :)
I was going to make a suggestion, but joyfulmom beat me to it. I was going to say sleep when he does while you can. I know it seems like you might be putting off other things that need to be done, but guess what...they'll still be there when you wake up. :)
I am so happy that you started this blog, it's a great idea and I wish I had the time, who knows maybe I will get inspired and start one too! Tell Karyss that K sends her love, she misses her sooo much!