Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Devotional help

So I am wondering if anyone out there has any advice for me.. OH PLEASE I hope so. Next Saturday, March 14th, I have to speak at our Ladies' Fellowship meeting. Those of you who know me know this is NOT something I enjoy doing... I get so nervous I almost ALWAYS cry. Anyway, this year our theme has been "Instruments of Righteousness" The last lady who spoke spoke on the tongue and the mouth and using it for God. I am considering speaking on the Eyes.. And how we can use our eyes to see the needs of others around us.. Does anyone have a poem, scripture or song to go along with this thought? Also any advice for a nervous, knees knockin' speaker?? I really hope I get some responses from this. HELP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything off hand, but I'll put some thought into it. As for being nervous, try some deep breathing and relaxation techniques before hand, just like you would do to warm up to sing. And always keep your focus on your audience, their needs, how you can bless them, instead of worrying about yourself. That always helps me!